
June 30, 2023 5:06 am Published by :


online course

The objective of this Online Game Design & Art Certification program is to enable students to explore Gaming as a creative medium and find solutions in its various divisions including Game Design , Game programming . Students are initially introduced to basic drawing & design skills, which are essential foundation requirements. It enables a broader understanding of the context of design. They are then taken to core domain areas pertaining to animation design, as well as soft skills. Learning is supplemented by field visits, case studies and other interactive sessions which are a value addition.

Students graduating from this programme find rewarding careers as animators, character designers, storyboard artists, VFX artist as well as creative directors, production managers, consultants and designers in many organizations such as TCS, Cognizant, Green Gold Animation, xentrix studios, MPC, Technicolor, Maukta VFX, FireFliescreative studio, DQ to name only a few.They also have the option to work as freelancers in various animation production houses in India and abroad, or can even become entrepreneurs.


Course Fee

₹ 66,000/-


10th or Above



Course Type


Our Recognitions Speaks

Creative Mentors was honored for its excellency in animation education industry


Creative Mentors provides students with all the facilities and equipment they’ll need on their learning journey. Depending on the needs of specific shoots and programme modules.



The course is designed to understand the concept of English Grammar and improving Writing as well as Speaking skills of the student with Proper Vocabulary .


C Programming Language

C is a procedural Computer Programming Language supporting structured programming , with flow of control and functions for basic parameter passing . Learning about Arrays , strings and Pointer intro, Data types , Operators, Constants , Variables, Conditions , Files , User defined data types , etc.


Operating System

Structure and strategies in the process of Inter Process of communication , Multithread Programming . Memory Management Algorithms and Access Methods File System Mounting .Resource Allocation , prevention and recovery using Deadlock concept. Device Management for Disk scheduling , Disk structure and I/O Application for kernel. Case Study on Linux Operating System.

Environmental Science

This course provides theory and ideology of environment protection and the philosophy of sustainability. Include development of industrial societies from various viewpoints i.e. its effect on environment, metropolitan lifestyle, commercialization of natural materials, encouraging of new ideology for enhancing sustainable community’s development, analyzing from environmental conservationists and sustainability concerns.


Programming Language C++

Introduction to OOP’s Concept ( Object Oriented Programming ) , classes objects , Hierarchy , Function Overloading Encapsulation . Operator overloading concepts , overloading of Binary and Unary Operators with Overloaded methods. Inheritance Polymorphism for derived classes.


DataBase Management Systems

Overview of Data Base Designs , Entities , Relationships , ER Modules , SQL Triggers , Nested Queries , Joins , Dynamic SQL , File Organization , Tree Structures , Has Based Indexing , Transaction Management , concurrency Control.

Creative Writing

Principles of Creative Writing , Writing for Radio and Television , Proof Reading , Editing the content , Short story Writing , Diary Writing.


Data Structure C++

Introduction to Data structures , Algorithms , Data representation , linear list , indirect Addressing , Stacks , Queues , Circular Queues , DE Queues , Trees , Binary tree, Binary Search Tree , AVL Trees , Sorting , Searching , Spanning trees , B- tree representation and operations.


Advanced C++ ad STL LAB

Dynamic Polymorphism , Virtual Base Classes , Exception Handling , RITI , Name Spaces , Dynamic , static and Interpret cast . Vector container , stack and Queue Container adapter , Iterations like forward , Backward , Bi directional . Sorting , Mutating Algorithms.


Game Design and Production Pipeline

Concept of ‘Play” as a precursor to games , ‘Fun ‘ into concepts , analysis of Childrens games , structure games . Analysis on Games on various factors like Fun , Game play , structure . Game Production Cycles , Production Pipelines , Game Art Pipelines , Iterative Process . Understanding games by experimenting on all genres on various platforms for dept subject.

Personality Development

Self – Confidence and public speaking , Time Management and Effective Planning . Communication skills like Effective Listening , Inter Pesonal Communication , Body Language. Goal setting . Team Building and Leadership Skills . Business Etiquette like Telephone Etiquette , Grooming Skills , Table Manners.


Object Oriented Programming with Java

Java Basics , Data types , Variables , Arrays , Operators , OOPS paradigm , Constructors , Parameter Passing , Inheritance , Exception Handling , Multithreading , Event Handling , AWT , Applets , swing , objects , methods , casting, conditions.


C# & .NET Framework

C# for Data structures , File operations , File Management systems , Thread Operations , Synchronizations, Multitasking. Overview of .NET Framework , I/O operarions , statements Arrays ,Polymorphism , Overloading methods . XML techniques for Reading and Writing , Xpath and Search XML , AD.NET architectures ADO.NET Connected and Disconnected Models – XML and ADO.NET – Simple and Complex Data Binding– Data Grid View Class. ASP.NET .


Game World Design I

Overview of Game design and Game world , Rules and Properties , Causes and Consequences , Making a Game World. Sparking creative Impulse. Finding Inspiration , Aesthetics & Game play.

Python Programming

Pseudo code , Flow Chart Algorithmic Problem solving , Illustrative Problems , Data , Expressions , Statements , Modules and functions , Variables , Expressions , precedence of operators. Illustrative Programs like N variables distance between two points . Control Flow , Functions , Lists , Tuples , Dictionaries , Files and Exceptions.


Game Engine Programming

Unity Basics , Building scenes , Creating Game play , Graphic Overview , Game Physics , 2D and 3D physics References , Scripting tools and Audio. Animation and Navigation and path finding.


Game World Design II

Fundamental components and concepts in Level design , Navigation and time , the Grey Box , Level Design and Local Spaces . Ambience and atmosphere of game world. Creating Environments


Data Communication and Computer Networks

Fundamentals of Data Communications , Transmission media , Data Modems , Multi Channel Data Communication , network Topologies , OSI model and TCP / IP suite . Data Link Protocol , Character Oriented Protocols, LAN , WAN , Local Routing , Data Transmission Networks , Wireless communincation.


Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Introduction to Algorithm , Elementary data structures , Sets & Disjoint sets with union and operations. Greedy method and Traversal Techniques. Dynamic Programming . Back Tracking and Branch and Bound.


Object Oriented System Development

Introduction to UML , Basic structural Modeling like classes , relationships , Diagrams . Basic Behaviour Modeling with use cases , Interaction Diagrams, Events and Signal , state machine and Threads. Architectural Modeling , unified software development process, core Workflows.


Computer Organization

Introduction to Digital Design , Basic structures of Computers , Digital components. Bus and Memory Transfers . Computer Organization and programming , machine language , Assembly language. Memory Organization , Pipelining and vector processing , Characteristics of multiprocessors.

Computer Graphics

Display systems , Transfomations, Scan conversions and Cliping , Hidden surface removal , shading & illumination.


Game Engine Programming

Lighting features , light components , cameras with view point , view directions , Moving of Objects. Materials like surface rendering , tilling , color tints . textures like Bitmaps , surface of objects , coloring. Terrain Engine , Tree editor . particle systems , Reflection Probes. Cluster Rendering.


Artificial Intelligence for Games

Introduction to AI , Models of AI games , Data structures , Complexity and AI Constraints . Path Finding . Decision Making like state machines , Decision Trees . Tactic and Strategy learning . Artificial Neural Networks.


Internet Technologies

Internet and World wide web introduction , Web servers , URL’s , HTTP, Web Applications , Tools for web site creation. HTML5 Introduction , adding graphics to HTML5 , creating tables , forms , frames . Java script , Jquerry , dialogue Boxes , Introduction to Cookies . Ajax , PHP.


Web Programming

Dynamic HTML , Cascading Sheets , in line styles, style elements , Basic Forms , Text Styling , Image Linking , common tags , Unordered lists. Object model and collections . Introduction to scripting . Java script control structures. Client side Scripting with VB Script , Active Server Pages.


Web Scripting

Introduction to ASP.NET , ASP.NET page Structures , page life cycle. HTML server controls , Web server Controls , State Management , Security and User Authentication.


Mini Project

Developing Simple game as Mini Project under the guidance of Concerned faculty. Viva Voce will be conducted based on mini project .

Computer Graphics – II

Solid Modeling , curves and surfaces like b-splines , quadratic surfaces ,Advanced raster graphic Architecture.


Gameplay Programming

Developing Event handling Systems , Developing memory management system , Design high Robust IO system for Games, Context of IO Devices. Developing File Handling systems , pathing


Game Quality Assurance

Need of Quality Assurance , Intro to Testing , Identifying Bugs . Defect typing , ways to categorize software bugs , Game team Overview. Testing Fundamentals. Test Tree and Test Flow Diagrams. The Test Process like White Box , Black Box and Defect Triggers . game Test Automation . Future of Game Testing.


Story Telling For Games

Classic Characterization , characterization for games , Empathy and emotion . Classic conflict and story arc. Game conflict , plotting and sub plotting


Marketing for Games

PR and Marketing , marketing Strategies, consultation. Case Study.

Game Project management

SDLC , Project Planning , Project budgeting , Project Scheduling , Monitoring and Controlling the project , Documentation. Case Study.


Game Psychology

Introduction to fundamentals of Psychology. Types of Motivations , Growth needs . Game Experience and Pleasurable activities. Designing for Humans . The role of Game Designer.


Portfolio – II Project

Developing a Game as final project on a chosen subject with the guidance of the concerned faculty. Submission of a report on their Project work under the guidance of the concerned faculty. Two Presentations has to be given during the Project period. One is at the design level and the second is after the production of Game. The presentation should have topic related visuals. A viva voce is conducted by an external expert on the final project and practical experience gained during his/her Project.


Game Production Post Mortem and Review

The objective of a Game Postmortem is to document what went right and what went wrong during the project.The lessons learned along the way will be communicated to others so that they can repeat the successful parts of the development process, and avoid the pitfalls you encountered along the way.
Students will be led through a post mortem review by having them explain the type of game, the goals of the game, the intended audience, and any specific technologies or features that you wanted to build into it that would set it apart from the competition. Tools, software and hardware used in the project development along with what worked and did not. Then a discussion about the development team and the team dynamics.



Amanda Lee

Senior project

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Adam Cheise

Head of Platform

I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


Direct testimonials from the students who completed the course


Creative Mentors Animation, Gaming and VFX School is looking for dedicated students who want to become tomorrow’s art and design leaders. We seek innovators, storytellers, collaborators, problem solvers, dreamers, leaders—all are welcome here.



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