Online Merit Scholarship Test
Dear Students! We found 27 Gems among 325 students in the first test.We found lot of fake accounts by free test.To avoid Spam/Fake accounts.we request you to follow the conditions.Mail us following Doc to

- SSC marks memo copy
- Inter marks memo copy
- Application form with Photo CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD
- Rs.250 DD on Creative Mentors Name
- Kindly send on or Before 8th June.
To encourage the hidden creative talents from the students, Creative Mentors offering Merit scholarship based on their performance in the online test.
Calculation of the scholarship follows in the ratio of 2:1, as the marks in the merit test versus the percentage of the FEE as scholarship.
If he score 100% marks, scholarship will be 50%
If he score 75% marks, scholarship will be 37.5%
Syllabus & Procedure of the Scholarship Test
To prepare for the entrance test following subject’s knowledge is essential.
- General Arithmetic25M
- General knowledge 25M
- General English25M
- Basic knowledge about Animation & Gaming industry 25M
- Mode of the test is Online
- Total marks in the entire exam will be 100.
- All the questions are objective type
- One student can apply for one course and one time
Help to Apply
For any queries contact admin dept. by call 9966441326 or click here link to register for the test
Admission Procedure after the Test
After successful completion of the test, eligible students have to complete the admission procedure within 7 days from the results announcement to hold the scholarship.